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Institut für Veterinärpathologie

Infektionskrankheiten der Katze - ausgewählte Publikationen

Feline Infektiöse Peritonitis

Kipar A, Bellmann S, Kremendahl J, Köhler K, Reinacher M, 1998. Cellular composition, coronavirus antigen expression and production of specific antibodies in lesions of feline infectious peritonitis. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 65, 243-257.

Kipar A, Köhler K, Bellmann S, Reinacher M, 1999. Feline infectious peritonitis presenting as a tumour in the abdominal cavity. Vet Rec 144, 118-122.

Kipar A, Bellmann S, Gunn-Moore DA, Leukert W, Menger S, Reinacher M, 1999. Histopathological alterations of lymphatic tissues in cats without feline infectious peritonitis after long-term exposure to FIP virus. Vet Microbiol 69, 131-137.

Kipar A, Köhler K, Leukert W, Reinacher M, 2001. A comparison of lymphatic tissues from cats with spontaneous feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), cats with FIP virus infection but no FIP, and cats with no infection. J Comp Path 125, 182-191.

Meli M, Kipar A, Müller C, Gönczi E-E, Borel N, Gunn-Moore D, Lutz H. 2004. High viral loads despite absence of clinical and pathological findings in cats experimentally infected with feline coronavirus (FCoV) type I and in naturally FCoV-infected cats. J Fel Med Surg 6, 69-81.

Kipar A, May H, Menger S, Weber M, Leukert W, Reinacher M, 2005. Morphological features and development of granulomatous vasculitis in feline infectious peritonitis. Vet Pathol 42, 321-330.

Cannon MJ, Silkstone MA, Kipar A, 2005. Cutaneous lesions associated with coronavirus-induced vasculitis in a cat with feline infectious peritonitis and concurrent feline immunodeficiency virus infection. J Fel Med Surg 7, 233-236.

Kipar A, Baptiste K, Barth A, Reinacher M, 2006. Natural FCoV infection: Cats with FIP exhibit significantly higher viral loads than healthy infected cats. J Fel Med Surg 8, 69-72.

Kipar A, Meli ML, Failing K, Euler T, Gomes-Keller MA, Schwartz D, Lutz H, Reinacher M, 2006. Natural feline coronavirus infection: differences in cytokine patterns in association with the outcome of infection. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 112, 141-155.

Kipar A, Meli ML, Failing K, Euler T, Gomes-Keller MA, Leutenegger CM, Schwartz D, Lutz H, Reinacher M, 2006. IL-12 and IL-10 play a role in the outcome of feline coronavirus infection. Vet Immunol Immunopathol112, 141-155.

Kipar A., Meli ML, Baptiste KE, Bowker LJ, Lutz H, 2010. Sites of Feline Coronavirus persistence in healthy cats. J Gen Virol 91,1698-1707.

Kipar A, Meli M, 2014. Feline infectious peritonitis: still an enigma? Vet Pathol 51(2), 505-526.

Porter E, Tasker S, Day MJ, Harley R, Kipar A, Siddell SG, Helps CR, 2014. Amino acid changes in the spike protein of feline coronavirus correlate with systemic spread of virus from the intestine and not with feline infectious peritonitis. Vet Res 2014 Apr 25; 45(1): 49.

Andere Viruserkrankungen der Katze

Kipar A, Kremendahl J, Addie DD, Leukert W, Grant CK, Reinacher M, 1998. Fatal enteritis associated with coronavirus infection in cats. J Comp Path 119, 1-14.

Kipar A, Kremendahl J, von Bothmer I, Reinacher M, 2000. Expression of viral proteins in feline leukemia virus-associated enteritis. Vet Pathol 37, 129-136.

Kipar A, Kremendahl J, Jackson ML, Reinacher M, 2001. Comparative examination of cats with feline leukemia virus-associated enteritis and other relevant forms of feline enteritis. Vet Pathol 38, 359-371.

Coyne KP, Jones BRD, Kipar A, Chantrey J, Porter CJ, Barber PJ, Dawson S, Gaskell RM, Radford AD, 2006. A lethal outbreak associated with feline calicivirus (FCV) infection in cats: a possible case of virulent systemic FCV-associated disease in the UK? Vet Rec 22, 544-560.

Leeming G, Meli ML, Cripps P, Vaughan-Thomas A, Lutz H, Gaskell R, Kipar A, 2006. Tracheal organ cultures as a useful tool to study the effect of Felid herpesvirus 1 on respiratory epithelium. J Virol Methods 138, 191-195.

Battilani M, Vaccari F, Carelle MS, Morandi F, Benazzi C, Kipar A, Dondi F, Scagliarini A, 2013. Lethal outbreak of virulent Feline Calcivirus disease in a shelter in Italy. Res Vet Sci 95(1), 283-290.

Monne Rodriguez JM, Malbon A, Leeming G, Blundell R, Papoula Pereira RI, Kipar A. Alveolar macrophages are the main target cells in feline calicivirus-associated pneumonia. Vet J 201(2), 156-165.