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Institut für Veterinärpathologie

Expert Pathology Services

LAMP provides expert pathology services. Our team of experienced qualified veterinary pathologists can contribute to individual projects based on their different areas of expertise and interest, including toxicological, ultrastructural and molecular pathology, infectious disease research, diagnostic and tumour pathology of a wide range of species, imaging and histomorphometrical analysis.

LAMP pathology services include:

  • Necropsy and tissue/sample collection. Members of our team are trained to perform full necropsy with standardised recording of gross observations and full tissue collection;
  • Immunohistology. Screening and evaluation of antibodies for immunohistology;
  • Ultrastructural evaluation. LAMP works closely with the Electron Microscopy Unit of the IVPZ. The lab fully processes samples for transmission electron microscopy, from fixation to ultrathin sections, and offers the ultrastructural evaluation of in vitro and in situ tissue samples. It works closely with the Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis, University of Zürich ( );
  • Disease monitoring in animal cohorts and diagnostic post mortem examinations;
  • Assessment of morphological changes in tissues/specimens from a wide range of experiments;
  • Morphological assessment of organs in the development of new experimental protocols;
  • (Specific, applied) phenotyping of genetically engineered mice;
  • Evaluation of in situ hybridisation;
  • Photographic documentation: photomicrographs from evaluated slides, digital slide scanning of slides from histology, immunohistology, in situ hybridisation and immunofluorescence;
  • Histomorphometric analysis;
  • Assistance with experimental study design;
  • Peer reviews (second opinions, preclinical safety peer reviews).